All classes can be booked online on our website. Simply click on the black box with age and time under the day required and this will take you to our online bookings page.
Our Progressive Development classes and 1 Star classes are trial entry only.
A trial is required, however with our new streamlined registration system you can still enrol your child online - book in for Wed or Fri or both days and in the correct age group. After their trial they will be placed in the class we feel is best suited for their skill level. These classes are for more advanced players so a trial is required so we can place your child in the right class.
Exciting news!!! We have introduced 2 classes on a Wednesday from 6 to 7 pm for Boys 13-17 Yrs and Girls 13-17 Yrs which will develop their skills and techniques to make them more competitive on the football field and enable them to advance to a higher grade at Club Football.
A trial is simply letting your child attend a class here with us for free so we can see where best to place them. They just join in the class and have fun. They don't even need to know! After the session the coach will let you know which group they feel would be best and you can then trial that one too if it is a different group to the one you just trialed in before making a decision to join TFG.
Our pathway is:
Pro Star classes, entry level, any ability/experience/split by age
Progressive Development Program aka PDP next stage up from Pro Star to get your child ready to advance in the academy - trial needed to enter into this level if you are new to TFG or if you are in Pro Star classes your coach will advance you when they think you are ready.
1 Star Academy our Elite players - PDP advance to the academy when the coach thinks you are ready or a trial is needed if wanting to join straight into this level if you are not currently in our programs but think this would be your level.
Clicking below will direct you to email to register for a trial
Term Time Timetable 2024
We welcome midterm enrolments
and offer free trials to everyone. Please email to arrange.